Monday, September 19, 2005

Picanto on 17" RIMS?

This is NOT Rufus on 17" RIMS Posted by Picasa

Someone in the Picanto Yahoo! Group posted the above picture of a Picanto on 17" RIMS. It looks nice doesn't it. Btw, just to clarify, thats NOT Rufus. Although I would love getting mags for Rufus but most of vulcanizing shops along my route and normal provincial destinations (Samar and Romblon) are not equiped to properly change tires on mags ... leaving it scored, scratch and damaged.

There are more pictures of other vehicles with nice mags on Concept One's gallery site and there's this really nice picture of a gray picanto.


bathala said...

I agree. The car looked really really nice. Although I don't think KIA would go for it because doing so would mean putting in thinner tires which is equal to a more bumpy ride.

Really looks great though.

Mini Cooper parts said...

The Mini Cooper parts never did give names to their cars, instead consistently using letters and numbers to designate the coupes,

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market.The Mini Cooper parts never did give names to their cars,instead consistently using letters and numbers to designate the

coupes, sedans and the SUVs.


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cad drafting services said...

Hey your Picanto looks cute.Growing technologies can help to model anything easily.

Anonymous said...

can new picanto 2010 fit with the same 17" rim

RACER said...

Does any1 has ever race this kind of car?